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ip cores & reference designs-yabo亚博88

ip and reference design based on anlogic chip series

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we have provided familyoverview documents of the serial devices such as ef2\ef3\eg4, which can be downloaded without registration.

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if you need to activate permissions, please log in to the member first to complete your personal information, and then send the specific requirements and registered phone number to the following email. customer service personnel will process it as soon as possible.

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please log in to the member first to supplement your personal information. if you need to activate permissions, please send the specific requirements and registered phone number to the following email. customer service personnel will process it as soon as possible.

we have provided td4.6.4, td4.6.5, and td4.6.6 for the development of ef2ef3eg4 series chip solutions, which can be directly downloaded;

if you have any questions, please contact us by phone:
